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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Vital Information Journal
Biomeed Central Journal of Geographic Information
BJHC IM British Journal of Healthcare Computing and Information Management
Cancer Informatics
Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine
Management of the query process: the development of the Journal of Effective Queries of the Ukrainian Society of Computer Medicine 
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine
Computers in Biology and Medicine
Electronic Journal of Health Informatics
Health Informatics Europe
Journal of Health Informatics
Health Information Management
Healthcare Informatics
Indian Journal of Medical Informatics
Informatics in primary care
Informatics Review
International Journal of Medical Informatics
JAMIA Journal of the American Society of Medical Informatics  
JBI – Journal of Biomedical Informatics
JHIDC Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries 
Journal of Biomedical Semantics
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Journal of Radiation Oncology Informatics
Medical business technology in Europe Developments in electronic medical technology 
MIE Yospres
Nursing Books from Elsevier Health  
Electronic Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI)
Views on health information management
PflebIT software update
Printernet German Nursing Magazine / Informatics Magazine 
Telemedicine today
Medical Informatics Yearbook



Recommended books

Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine.

Authors:Edward H. Shortliffe, James J. Cimino

Evaluation Methods in Biomedical Informatics

Authors:Charles P. Friedman, Jeremy Wyatt

Clinical Information Systems: A Component-Based Approach

Authors:Rudi Van De Velde, Patrice Degoulet.

Clinical Information Systems: Overcoming Adverse Consequences

Authors:Dean F. Sittig, Joan S. Ash
Publisher:Jones and Bartlett.

Public Health Informatics and Information Systems

Authors:Patrick W. O'Carroll, William A. Yasnoff, M. Elizabeth Ward, Laura H. Ripp, Ernest L. Martin, D.A. R

EHR Implementation: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Medical Practice

Authors:Carolyn P. Hartley, Edward D. Jones III, Newt Gingrich<
Publisher:American Medical Association Press

Electronic Health Records: Transforming Your Medical Practice

Authors:Margret Amatayakul, Steven S. Lazarus.
Publisher:Medical Group Management Association Publications

Information Retrieval: A Health Care Perspective

Authors:William R. Hersh.

Ethics and Information Technology: A Case-Based Approach to a Health Care System in Transition

Authors:James G. Anderson, Kenneth W. Goodman

Decision Making in Health and Medicine: Integrating Evidence and Values

Authors:Myriam Hunink , Paul Glasziou, Milton Weinstein
Publisher:Cambridge University Press

Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles and Practice

Authors:Kathleen M. LaTour, Shirley Eichenwald
Publisher:Publisher: American Health Information Management Association

Health Information: Management of a Strategic Resource

Authors:Mervat Abdelhak, Sara Grostick, Mary Alice Hanken, Ellen B. Jacobs

Healthcare Code Sets, Clinical Terminologies, and Classification Systems

Authors:Kathy Giannangelo
Publisher:American Health Information Management Association

From Patient Data to Medical Knowledge: The Principles and Practice of Health Informatics

Authors:Paul Taylor
Publisher:Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (2006)

Department of Health Care

Authors:Talal bin Ayed Al-AhmadiPublisher
: King Fahd National Library